Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Winter Camp

Hi everyone... Sorry its been so long since i have blogged. i really don't have any excuse. ANYWAYS... Winter camp was was SO MUCH FUN!! The bus ride up was a little long because we hit traffic, but it was super fun to be on a buss full of girls singing their hearts out and not caring how much longer the ride was, we were having so much fun! I felt like I was in junior high all over again. I LOVE JUNIOR HIGHERS!!! Once we got to camp it was a lot colder than I expected. And, i guess I should have really known better since I knew that there was going to be snow... but it was FREEZING. I'm SO glad that i brought my uggs.

Camp was awesome, I think my favorite part was going up with 3 other churches. It was cool to have four different speakers and meet new students and hang out with everyone. The theme of camp was Mythbusters and it was all about different myths of being a Christian. My cabin of girls really got a lot out of all the speakers and it was fun to talk to them and answer questions. And to hear them want to apply it to their lives.

My cabin of girls was a BLAST. I had about four of my c-group girls and then they had brought some of their friends, so there was 14 of us all together. They wanted a theme (even though cabins don't get judged for their theme during winter camp- they didn't care they wanted to have a princess theme anyways). So, they brought pink streamers, colored pictures in coloring books of princesses and put them up all over the room, and we even made princess crowns. SO FUN.

I can't wait until next year!!!

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