Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Dear Jason Wahler,

You are not a baller.
You can't rap, you don't have flow...
You don't have rythm, so you need to go.
You are embarrassing to watch, it's painful for my eyes...
It's like watching a trainwreck, it makes me want to die.
You're not even trying, you look like a fool,
Please, go back to rap school.

Just tryin' to keep it real,

p.s. I give lessons, but don't call me.

I can't teach rythym
I can't teach flow
It's something you're born with...
so get over it yo.


Randy said...

Im not sure who Jason Waller is but i am impressed with the just work on the SBTB skills!

ambrosia said...

your post made me laugh out loud at my desk at work :)
i miss your face!

E.Money said...

yikes :)

Anonymous said...

pure genius! who knew that rhyming and/or rapping was a spiritual gift? well done.

John said...

I hung out with his dad tonight.