Thursday, September 27, 2007

What I learned from the office tonight...

- Watch where you're driving in the parking lot
- Creed is the token creeper of the show
- Angela actually does have emotions
- When you park on top of old Indian burial ground you will be cursed
- If you trap a bat in a bag and put it over your head... you may get rabies
- Dundler Mifflin supports the rabid
- Squirrels are happy because they’re “insane”
- The key to running a successful marathon is drafting.
- You can ditch a 5K as long as your boss doesn’t see you
- Carbo-loading by eating Fettuccini Alfredo before you go for a run is not a good idea
- An $8 turquoise lamp makes a great trophy
- Sharing your sucker is a good way to make friends/ get rabies


Alyssa said...

umm i love the office! and i liked the season premiere

John said...

My favorite part:

Michael: I think we have a little double jeopardy on our hands but don't worry we're fine.
Ryan: I don’t think you understand how jeopardy works.
Michael: Oh, right, I’m sorry. What is, “we’re fine”?

Heather McTaggart said...

You were missed last night! Next week? Hope all is well and I do promise to come see you soon, just not this weekend or next! SORRY! Love you tons!