Sunday, April 22, 2007

Kelly, your Vanilla Late is Ready... Kelly!

So today, before the 9:00 Service this morning i made a starbucks run. I think I have been to starbucks 5 times within the past three days... which means that somedays I went more than once. What can I say... I love Starbucks. I ordered my usual drink, Grande Vanilla Late, and they asked for my name, because they ask for everyone name. I told them, "Annie", because, well, that's my name. My friend Adam and I used to go into Starbucks and make up names just because we thought we were SO funny. His name would always be Hobotchi (Ho-bo-chi), which was funny, because I don't even think that's a real name. And, I would always tell them that my name is Lakisha, which is funny, because CLEARLY I do not look like a Lakisha. Most of the time I wasn't even able to keep a strait face because I thought I was so funny. I'm giggling right now just thinking about it.

Anyways... Today I went into starbucks and gave them my name, "Annie". Which, I think, is a pretty common name... right? I think so. So I told them my name and the girl wrote down "Andy" on my cup. Which I guess is somewhat fair, because It was loud in Starbucks and, Andy does kind of sound like Annie. So whatever... but then the Barista guy when handing me my Late said, "Have a great day Brandy!". After I said thanks to him, I looked at my cup and I was right, the girl had definitely written "Andy" on my cup. And in my opinion A's look nothing like B's... But I'll just give the guy the benefit of the doubt since it was still somewhat early in the morning.

My Starbucks experience this morning got me thinking about all the funny names that people have written on my cups.Some have been extremely misspelled, and some people have just heard my name COMPLETELY wrong. Here are some of the names that I can remember:
- Andy
- Brandy
- Angie
- Kelly (??? *giving the what the heck look* I don't know HOW that sounds like Annie)
- Nannie (??? Who's name is Nannie... really...)
- Anni
- Any

The last two names make me laugh, because they heard my name right, they just didn't spell it right, and really... who doesn't know how to spell Annie?? AND, the last name on my list is "any", which isn't even a name at all, it's an adjective. DUH.

Starbucks, I still love you... Even though you never get my name right.


elise! said...

it's ok...they never get my name right eihter :)

Brent said...

That's one reason I would not want to work at Starbucks. I know I would get names wrong all the time. I wouldn't be THAT far off though.

Allison said...

I always get Alisson...or Aliceon...

Who spells it like that?

Josh(ua) Treece said...

Dear Annie, do you know that you have the comment feature turned off on the post about your hair?