Last night, I got home and to my dismay, there was a huge, fuzzy, nasty, gross, tormenting, hanus, spider on the wall of my house. It was pretty much staring me strait in my eyes and taunting me saying things like, "Now that you live on your own princess, and you're too scared to kill spiders, you're just going to have to let me stay here! MUHAHAHA!"
Now, before I go on I should mention that I'm so afraid of spiders that I once cupped a spider to the wall of my parents house with Tupperware and taped it to the wall because the thought of squishing a spider makes me throw up in my mouth a little bit (no, not really, but it
totally grosses me out). Also, I'm always afraid that
if I were brave enough to actually try to squish the spider it would jump on my face and bite me. I know that makes me sound like a crazy person, BUT, everyone has wierd things that they are afraid of, and spiders are
one of the things that i hate most!
Anyways... I was not about to let this spider stay in our house and possibly multiply and have billions of spiders in my house. So, I got Becky, my roommate, involved to help me get this spider and we made a plan to kill it. Well, actually, I told her that she needed to kill the spider because I wasn't about to squish it. Becky decided that she didn't want to squish the spider either because she hates the crush feeling/sound so we took a Starbucks cup from earlier that day and she cupped that to the wall and then slid a piece of paper behind it so that it was stuck in the cup. It was a clear Starbucks cup so we looked and screamed at the spider for a couple seconds. Then I said, "OH MY GOSH GUYS!! IS THAT A RED WIDDOW??" Becky looked at me and said, "What? A red widow? What's that?" (of course I was thinking black widow and I said red because I was thinking of the red hour glass that they have on their stomachs...). I was about to say, "What?! You have never heard of a red widow before? What are you stupid?" But then Elizabeth said, "Umm... a black widow??"... And then I felt dumb.
We all got a good laugh out of one. And, i can't blame my stupid comment on being blonde... because, I'm not blonde anymore. Oh well...
We flushed the spider down the toilet after screaming some more (like the girls that we are) and watched it swirl around until it went good-bye forever.
P.s. I had a picture of a spider up on my blog, but I had to take it down becasue I would get goosebumps (or goosepimples if your Josh Garrett) every time I looked at it.
I would like to say that I did NOT scream...and that it was NOT huge.
I used to be a camp counselor. I've killed some REAL bugs, ok?? ;)
Well... you weren't very much help for being a camp counselor. Becky and I had to get it all by ourselves... you were too busy talking to your BOYFRIEND.
Dear Justin,
I blame you entirely.
I can't squish spiders because I hate the feeling of them in the kleenex.
I can't flush spiders because I'm afraid they will climb back up and crawl on my butt while I use the toilet.
Your other blonde moment was when you spelled heinous, "hanus".
Don't fight me; I know a lot of words.
here are some suggestions: strap a miniature bomb on the spider using tweasers; buy an ant eater with taste buds for the exotic foods like spiders; invent some sort of "Ghostbusters-like vacuum back pack" that you can suck the spiders in, then put them in a holding container somewhere else that will then destroy them. Those are my suggestions.
Once a blonde...
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