Sunday, July 1, 2007

The Alligators that lived upstairs...

Last night I spent the night at my parents house. I was too much of a wimp to stay the night all by myself at my house. And, as I was getting tired and walking upstairs, I remembered what it felt like when I was five and had to go up stairs to brush my teeth. I hated brushing my teeth, I thought it was the worst thing in the whole wide world. It didn't matter if I had an awesome princess toothbrush or hello kitty tooth patse. I hated it. What made brushing my teeth the most awful was that I had to go upstairs, in the dark, all by myself. I was convinced that there were alligators that lived up stairs at night and that they would come out and get me. So, every night my mom and I had the same conversation:

"Ok Annie, time to go get ready for bed. Go brush your teeth."
"No, I can't. I can't go up there by myself. There's alligators."
"Annie, there are no alligators upstairs."
"Yes, yes there are. They are up there and they want to get me!"
"Ok, then let's go upstairs together."

We never saw any alligators (duh), but I was still convinced until I was six years old that alligators lived upstairs at night.

What were you afraid of when you were little?


Brent said...

They weren't alligators. They were crocodiles.

kayla rae said...

I was deathly afraid of the witch from Sleeping Beauty, and that she was hiding in my closet.

Justin Ihara said...

the dark

E.Money said...

definitely was and still is the dark haha! that's why i like sharing a room with you..its less scary! :)

i was also scared of my closet and under my bed...most insects..and heights.

and i'm still scared of heights.

Anonymous said...

Worms (still am) and this one guy from a Scooby Doo cartoon. He was like this big old fashioned diving suit guy with the fish bowl helmet and the air tube that goes up to the boat.(This is despite the fact that they found out at the end, that it was just Carl, the janitor.)

Allison said...

I was always afraid of someone hiding under my bed.

Heather Leith said...

i was afraid of being alone anywhere. When I were in a store, i would cling to my mom, because if i let go i thought she would drive away and abandon me, and then i would get kidnapped.

Gerry Rojas said...

I wasn't. If something was alarming enough to make me jump then my follow up reaction would be to get mad at it and kick it's butt.