I got tagged by Elizabeth... who I miss very much since I am in Seattle.
Dear Elizabeth,
I miss you. I miss falling asleep at night having our bunk bed conversations and watching movies with you. I really am not sure what I am going to do without you when you move away from me. I wish that you were here.
Here are my answers to these fun questions...
Famous person from History: Anne Sullivan. What an incredible women to be able to teach someone who is both blind and deaf to communicate. I would have loved to help and have a relationship with someone like that and watch them blossom. I can't think of a more rewarding job... way to be awesome Anne Sullivan. You are my hero. I can't imagine how frustrating that must have been at times... way to stick to it and get rewarded by your diligence and hard work.
Celebrity: Jessica Alba. She is totally cute and isn't in all over the cover of magazines and tabloids. She seems to have it all together, seems very personable, and like she would be fun to hang out with.
Athlete: Tiger Woods. Not because I love golf... I actually think that it's the most boring sport ever. And, I would also argue that golf isn't even a sport at all, I think it's so ridiculous when I see it on ESPN (but that's another blog altogether). I would want to be Tiger because he gets to travel a lot and play on beautiful golf courses. Also, golf is the kind of "sport" that you can play even when you get super old... so he won't have to retire soon unless he wants to.
Famous Christian Mover and Shaker: I am with Elizabeth on this one; I would say Donald Miller. He is one of my lit hero's and the most encouraging/motivating/challenging author that I have ever read. Donald Miller if you ever read this... I hope that one day I get to meet you. You are amazing. I want to be just like you.
Musician: Does the former Spice Girl Posh (Victoria Beckham) count? I'm going to say that yes she does count, because this is my blog and I do what I want on it. My rules say that The Spice Girls are totally musicians. I would want to be her because not only is she gorgeous, she is also married to a total stud, has an awesome wardrobe, her kids are super cute and she seems like she is a great mom.
A farewell to orange
10 years ago
I can't believe you just dissed golf like that.
My daughter would argue that Golf is a sport because she plays on the Golf team at Trabuco! But the real truth is she started playing golf because it is the only sport that you don't have to run or get wet! So...is it a sport or a way to try get out of having a 6th period and leaving campus early..that is the ?!
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